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🎙️🤖Create, Customize and Talk to your AI Character/Companion in Realtime (All in One Codebase!). Have a natural seamless conversation with AI everywhere (mobile, web and terminal) using LLM OpenAI GPT3.5/4, Anthropic Claude2, Chroma Vector DB, Whisper Speech2Text, ElevenLabs Text2Speech🎙️🤖

  • Updated Jul 19, 2023
  • Swift
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Game Off

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Game Off

November 01, 2023 - December 01, 2023 • Online

Game Off is an annual game jam, where participants spend the month of November creating games based on a secret theme. Participate individually, or as a team. Use whatever game engines, libraries, and languages you like.
codebeat screenshot

App recommended by GitHub


Tired of manually scraping your code looking for the smallest issues? Take codebeat for a spin! 🚀

codebeat is an automated static code analysis tool supporting multiple languages used by both web and mobile developers worldwide. Now also providing style analysis for projects written in Swift🔥.

We've integrated SwiftLint, the best linter for Swift in our code review app and fixed you with a help page. about the feature. Enjoy!

App recommended by GitHub


The Datree app allows engineering teams to automatically identify errors in newly committed YAML configs, including k8s manifests, and prevent these misconfigurations from reaching production.

On app installation, a new PR is created for each connected repository with a workflow for YAML (schema) validation. If one of the scanned (yaml) files happens to be a K8s manifest file, Datree will also run a K8s schema validation and a policy check for preventing K8s misconfigurations.